
Digitalisation has reshaped and enhanced the global traveling industry tremendously in the past few decades by improving the efficiency of day-to-day operation in the supply chain, integrating available traveling resources and bringing user experiences to the next level. IT enabled flight-booking system has been valued as a crucial component of competitive advantage for many traveling agents and OTAs. However, many companies are struggling to balence the costs and benefits of developing and maintaining their very own system., as one of the earliest degitalised OTAs in the global, has provided integrated and customised IT services for many traveling agents and OTAs to help them maximise ROI and improve their business performances. provides IT supports to its partners in the whole life cycle. With diversity business models and multiple dimension of related functions, provide travelling industry business solutions to partners. Combined with rich template and custermized business specialized guidance and analysis, let partner quicky find key points and start businees flow.

product attributes
product attributes hover

Product Attributes

What are the features of our products? For example, data isolation, module integration, and customization.

product handbook
product handbook hover

Product Handbook

For our product functions, we provide a manual guide on how to quickly access and use it.